Saturday, July 10, 2004

Poodle Clipping

Far be it from me to opine that every scintilla of evidence that damned Saddam, and paraded before the American and British electorate as gospel truth, was in fact fiction. Holy friggin' smokers. Here's a holier than thou excerpt from the Sunday Guardian (UK):

Yesterday, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, weighed into the debate, warning that Blair would be judged before God for his actions over Iraq and suggesting he would struggle with his conscience. Asked how Blair would account for himself, Williams answered: 'At the judgment seat.' For Christians, that is the point of entry either to heaven or to hell. 'When you acknowledge that you have taken a risk which has not paid off, which has cost, and that cost does not seem be justified, that's the punishment,' he added.
The Guardian has become kind of my "canary in the mine". One short excerpt can't convey the damning language in the entire article. You really have to read it - so go. And don't believe for one moment that Karl Rove isn't taking notes from this article (double negative - sue me - it's Saturday nite).

The UK has already spoken on the Blair regime. Last month, the UK Labour party (Blair's home base) was trounced in local, parlimentary, and EU elections. Trounced. As in, third place (at best). The howls for Blair's head started almost immediately. Tony "The Poodle" Blair tied his fortunes directly to God's chosen emissary, George W. Bush. The poodle got clipped, big time.

And now the poodle's Master is about to get spanked.