Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Year of the Blog!

Yeah, it's been declared so by Editor and Publisher. What is not clear are the conclusions we should draw from this pronouncement.

To me this year of the BLOG has given me an outlet where, for the most part, I can express my outrage concerning the regression of American core values. Liberty for all and the fullest liberty that doesn't interfere with others seems like a fair description of some of our founding values. But just look on this page at the gay bashing Richard reports, and think -- our nation selected George Bush in part because he was against expanding those liberties to gays and lesbians. That's just one topic.

Outrage? Is that all this blog revolution should be about? I'll leave that to your comments, but I feel uncomfortable with a BLOG being merely a venue for outrage. According to that Pew study, BLOG readership increased 58% from February to November, but the key stat is here:

On the other hand, the study discovered that 62% still have no clear idea what a blog actually is.

What does that mean? We've got a very good opportunity to define further the notion of what a BLOG is and what it can do. Our collective BLOG track record is good, but the field is still open.