Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Stand Up, Senators

It's time to stand up and be counted.

Is the right to a fair vote important to you? Does it matter that ALL eligible voters that want to vote are able to participate? How does privatizing the electoral system foster democracy when the companies building, maintaining, and setting up certification tests are controlled by partisan interests who refuse to build transparency and auditability into their voting systems? Do corporate concerns of protecting trade secrets trump the voters right to a fair, non-partisan, transparent, auditable vote?

Where do you stand on these issues Senators?

Do you take it on faith that all is well with the system and that next time will be different? It's time to take off the blinders or stop participating in the sham. There has been ample evidence in the last 3 national elections that something is terribly wrong with the way the elections are run in this country. The old excuse that "it's just politics" has worn thin. Placing the blame for election day "malfunctions" and "irregularities" on the untrained volunteers is tantamount to blaming the US soldiers in Iraq for the lack of planning for the post "liberation" period.

It's not like this is a newly formed country starting from scratch. We've been voting and electing people to office for over 200 years, I think that's plenty of "ramp up" time don't you? There has been ample time to construct a transparent, verifiable, auditable, non-partisan electoral system in this country. Instead the legislation passed by the House and Senate has enabled more unverifiable voting with the passing of HAVA.

Do you accept that "it's just politics", or will you stand up and challenge the vote?

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.