Monday, January 17, 2005

Donald Wildmon: Get a FUCKING DOG!

Oh, of course you all know that Donald Wildmon is the head of the American Family Association, that group that is pulling the strings of the FCC and all. This time they are so scared of cartoon characters that they want all their members to boycott a bunch of them, including Spongebob, here. (Damn, I wish I was good at photoshop and could put up a Spongebob in chaps and a thong!) Folks, if these guys are so scared of cartoon characters, they'd be scared of anything, and there's nothing we can do to ease their fears. I'm not about to suggest they get a gun to keep on the night table, but perhaps a German Shepherd might do. Yup, they need to get a dog, if one would have them.

Yeah, you can read about it at Working for Change. Seems there's this group of do-gooders (might as well just call them "liberals" or "lefties") who thought they'd gather together all the cartoon characters and have them come together in one video to promote tolerance. Get this. . . they call themselves the "We Are Family Foundation," and they've done such radical things as give an award to Mattie Stepanek, the boy who wrote the Heartsong poems. Yup, the We Are Family Foundation folks sure are subversive! According to the American Family Association they are subversive. You see, being tolerant means accepting the homosexual lifestyle!

Yup, the video has these folks in it:

Arthur, Barney, Blue's Clues, Bob the Builder, The Book of Pooh, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Dora the Explorer, Jimmy Neutron, Kim Possible, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, Little Mermaid, Madeline, The Magic School Bus, The Muppet Show, Rugrats, Sesame Street and SpongeBob SquarePants.

And Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association thinks that all this "tolerance" stuff is just a way for some pinko commie organization like the We Are Family Foundation to come in and teach your child about Heather and her two Mommies. (God forbid there's actually a child with two Mommies in that classroom, these folks would start hemmoraging onscreen!)

I'm not able to go on, really, because each sentence I want to write about Mr. Wildmon here could poetntially be actionable. (The picture on the right, as unflattering as it is, is from the web site. They actually use it for PR. I went searching but could find no other more unflattering.)

Donald Wildmon and his organization of vicious Radical Right Wing Clerics does not represent any family I know. I'm beginning to think that the best course of action we can take over the next four years is to thoroughly discredit these folks to their own adherents. Frankly, I'm not sure now how to go about that project except to pass around the above picture of Wildmon.