Saturday, January 15, 2005

ASZ Payola Notice

In the wake of the expanding Armstrong Williams payola scandal, and the SCLM-generated-from-whole-cloth lefty judas equivalent, dKos / MyDD -vs- Zephyr Teachout, it seems appropriate that we here at ASZ provide a payola disclaimer:

All Spin Zone, its principals, successors, and assigns will gladly accept any payola offered. Unmarked 20's and 50's in #5 manila envelopes are the preferred method of exchange. "Dead drops" can be arranged at the convenience of the sponsor.

No one's ever offered us a dime to push our viewpoints, and we feel soooooo left out of the progressive blogging money train. You know those Google ads that were running for a week or so? Hell, we even removed them because, after roughly 7,000 page impressions, there had been a grand total of 3 clickthroughs, for a return of $.08. Bottom line, it wasn't worth the bandwidth usage. So, we went back to the TLA Video ad strip (which we hope they change soon), because it at least supports a good organization that needs your business.

We just thought we'd clear up any misconception that any of the principals at ASZ are hauling sacks of blog blood money to the bank every week. We wish. And we'll be the first to let you know if that blessed event ever occurs.