Oh, RossK? LG? eteba?
OTTAWA (Reuters) - The number of U.S. citizens visiting Canada's main immigration Web site has shot up six-fold as Americans flirt with the idea of abandoning their homeland after President Bush (news - web sites)'s election win this week....and this from the Big Apple - christo, I'm showing my lack of hipness. I wouldn't have picked it up either. I'm sure my daughter will be smirking that "you friggin' geezer" look at me when she reads this posting...
When we looked at the first day after the election, Nov. 3, our Web site hit a new high, almost double the previous record high," immigration ministry spokeswoman Maria Iadinardi said on Friday.
On an average day some 20,000 people in the United States log onto the Web site, www.cic.gc.ca -- a figure which rocketed to 115,016 on Wednesday. The number of U.S. visits settled down to 65,803 on Thursday, still well above the norm...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York officials were red-faced on Friday after they discovered that clothing ads on city buses that appeared to promote reading suggested a love of books could be rewarded with oral sex.Them damn kids, havin' all the fun.
The advertisements that ran on about 200 buses across the city in recent months carried posters displaying a suggestively posed woman in hot pants kneeling among a pile of books beside the snappy slogan "Read Books, Get Brain."
What unhip, unsuspecting local transportation officials did not know was that "get brain" is street slang for oral sex...
Update, 6:35PM: Forgot to mention it earlier: ASZ's blogroll has been updated with linkage to some old friends and new acquaintances. I don't "pull the weeds" or "sow the seeds" in our link list as often as I should...