Thursday, March 03, 2005

I May Retire from Blogging and Other Miscellaney

...because Frank Rich (in a piece dated for this coming Sunday's New York Times) covers, in one article, everything that pisses me off about the state of "managing the media". I'm not even going to post a snippet here - go read - it's that good. (No, I'm not really going to retire from blogging on ASZ, because it's in my blood and I'd just have to do it someplace else. Some people are addicted to crack. I'm addicted to blog.)

Also, in case you've been following the test by Fishbowl DC of how easy it is to get a White House press room day pass, White House Gaggle Watch - Day 3 is now up. (If you haven't been keeping up, you can click through to day 1 and 2 from the Day 3 page.)

Sail on...