This morning, with both of us in a preternatural state of clarity that only comes after such a night before, the subject of the Brookfield, Wisconsin "church" shooting came up (for those living outside the US, a man walked into his own "end times" cult-church and opened fire, killing more than ten before putting the automatic pistol to his own head. film at eleven). And Keys said: "It's Smackwater Jack". It was like lightning in my brain. Of course (!) it's Carole King's song written more than 30 years ago.
I'm not going to link you to the Brookfield, Wisconsin story, but you can find it easily. I am going to leave you with some of Carole's song. Since I don't have a keyboard at home, 'til I don't know when (LOL ... crazy can be clarifying, really... trust me on this) I might be on-line sporadically for a bit. Don't assume I've departed the planet. I ain't done yet.
"Now, Smackwater Jack,
He bought a shotgun
'Cause he was in the mood
For a little confrontation.
He just a-let it all hang loose;
He didn't think about the noose.
He couldn't take no more abuse
So he shot down the congregation.
You can't talk to a man
With a shotgun in his hand."