Yeah, that's the face of personal responsibility of Republicans, but not as funny. They plot to make Terri Schiavo a political football, then they get caught. But the polling comes out against politicians using Terri Schiavo as a political wedge issue, so what does the second-ranking Republican in the Senate do? He denies he's ever seen the memo dug up by ABC, the Washington Post, etc.
Does Santorum deny the memo to ABC? No. He's not man enough. Does any Republican leader deny the memo to any major news outlet? No. They've been caught cold trying to make a poor brain-dead woman a political issue. But Santorum has reassured his base that he didn't know a THING about the memo.
Remember, Santorum didn't deny that the memo was real. He made sure, though, to tell the Pennsylvania version of the Drudge Report, www.grassrootspa.com, that he knew nothing, NOTHING!
Maybe Bart Simpson isn't the right image here. He's talking much more like Sargeant Schultz, that old windbag from Hogan's Heros. Heaven forbid Rick Santorum or any Republican ever take any personal responsibility for their actions. Perhaps that would be the first sign of the apocalypse?