Sunday, March 13, 2005

HST - an Appreciation

For a certified geezer like me, there's not a lot about Rolling Stone magazine that much catches my interest anymore. There was a time when RS was a great counterculture rag. About the time Jann Wenner took RS all-disco-all-the-time, it became an editorial hybrid of Billboard and People. So I quite buying it. Or maybe I just grew up.

I will, however, recommend picking up the lastest issue of Rolling Stone to any fan of Hunter S. Thompson. The online version of the magazine provides some introductory paragraphs; enough to get you interested. The print version fully transports any counterculture expat like me back to a time when folks like us actually made (and could make) a difference. And had fun in the process.

Maybe that's what's missing today. This isn't fun. It seems like a life-or-death struggle.