Jesse Lee over at the Stakeholder has some news about today's "Motion to Commit" on the House floor (discussed briefly in this earlier item):
House GOP Votes Against Fair Allocation of Machines and Poll Workers
In another astounding display of political hubris, today every single Republican voted against a Conyers-Waters amendment to provide that states provide a minimum required number of functioning and accurate voting machines and poll workers for all precincts.
The purpose of the amendment was simple, and one would have thought, non-controversial - to avoid the misallocation of voting machines and poll workers that led to lines of ten hours or more in the Ohio presidential election and disenfranchised tens of thousands of thousands of minority voters. (The amendment was offered in the context of an arcane continuity bill, providing for expedited elections in the event of an attack on Congress...)
Any questions on where Republicans now stand in regards to fair elections?
Brad has been doing some very important work on voting rights on his blog and on
Conyers Forces Election Reform on House Floor