Monday, December 27, 2004

Juggling Chainsaws

In a previous post, I scratched the surface in describing the number of chainsaws that the Bush administration is concurrently juggling. In my personal recollection of political history, I can't find one instance where an administration was trying to keep so many core issues in the air at the same time. From Iraq to Social Security, from judicial appointments to same sex marriage, the Bush administration is dealing with a dizzying array of cultural, political, and policy problems.

There has to be a limit to the skill of the juggler, when one more roaring McCullough becomes one implement of destruction too many, and the whole act comes crashing down. It's a given that at some point, someone is going to lob another running chainsaw into the mix - and the whole juggling act will fall apart.

In a recently famous (unattributed) quote from a BushCo official, the wankers-in-charge are creating their own realities. We at ASZ have cast those realities as "Bizarro World", a reference inspired by Superman comics rendition of a looking glass into the human condition where up is down, right is left, and the insane is sane.

Without my having to cite specific examples from just the past week, folks, we're already there. When the Democratic Party of FDR and JFK has apparently decided to abandon support of Roe-v-Wade; when one of my great hopes for the future (Harold Ford) has determined that dismantling Social Security is a good thing, we've arrived.

It's December 27th, 2004, and we're about as close to the bottom as we can get.

Which means that everything looks up from here.

Why do I make such a bold proclamation? Because the dam has to burst sometime soon. The 51%'ers who looked at Bush during the past election cycle and determined that he was the best option between two mediocre candidates are already having second thoughts. Buyer's regret, if you will. His own job performance numbers and crumbling support for the situation in Iraq clearly indicate that he's heading for some rough waters. His minions in Congress will look at the local numbers and start to increase distance. Bank on it.

We've tossed around the impeachment option here, and decided that a GOP-controlled House and Senate is not going to impeach Bush under any circumstances. He could be nabbed with kiddy porn on the Oval Office computer, and he'd still skate, because someone would make up an excuse for him. That's been the story of his life.

And yet, I remain delusionally optimistic that the sum of Bush's transgressions will result in an awakening of his base and an affirmation by his detractors that what George Bush represents is not a reflection of America, despite what the past election might imply. "Bush Unchained" is not what returned him to office. A lack of true vision by the DNC and Kerry Campaigns is what set up Bush's bare majority election theft.

As progressives, it's now our mission to say, "I told you so" to both major political parties.

But beyond "I told you so" lies a challenge to lay out a better vision for where we go from here. That's been the most frustrating thing for me since November 2nd. In my heart, I know the answer, but in my gut, I know my answer isn't what the 51%'ers (or many of the 49%'ers, for that matter) want to hear - that leadership is fallible, and that sometimes, kneejerk decisions made in an effort to pander to core beliefs are just plain wrong.

When BushCo finally drops the chainsaws that they're juggling, and public opinion allows progressives regain some steerage of a government run amuck, we have to be ready to stand for something.

What is that "something"? And where do we start?

If I ever figure out the answer to either of those questions, I'll let you know...