Thursday, November 04, 2004

It was over 12 years ago

That was the last time I was involved in a Pro-Choice March. 1992, the March for Women's lives that attracted 750,000 people to Washington DC. I attended with my ex-wife, her family, including a couple small kids. I'm thinking that soon we'll be doing it again, and maybe it won't be pretty this time.
But, then, we appear to have some allies.

Arlen Specter
Olympia Snowe
Susan Collins
Lincoln Chaffee

No, I have not been a huge fan of Specter, but it apears he may be rising to stand for his own ethics as concerns future nominations to the Supreme Court. At least most of the reports today are saying Specter is warning Bush not to appoint someone to the court who will disturb the settled legal nature of Roe v. Wade.

I need to preach to the choir for a moment. We are, of course, on the right side of this issue. The moral side. And we must in the next months and years continue to stress our moral superiority. The moral side of this issue is that unwanted births ruin families and ruin lives. Further, the moral side of the issue is that providing full birth control education to all women and men in this country moves us toward a time when abortions are rare.

We're on the moral side of stem cell research and on partial birth abortion as well, and it is time we start articulating that. Today? No, but we need to get the words out there, the memes, if you will.

I saw a friend I hadn't seen for a good long time this week on election day. She looked fine. I didn't mention it, but by my sincere question about how she was doing, I'm sure she knew that I was asking about her miscarriage several weeks before. I met her good friend today, and all she could do was cry on my shoulder, figuratively, about how they were wailing about losing the right to abortion with this coming term. Trying desperately to get pregnant, but she wails at the potential loss of her rights.

That's not going to happen. If Bush names a conservative judge I'm sure Planned Parenthood and NARAL will have a March that will end all marches, and the really good thing is that there will be many, many Republicans who will be there. We all know the demographics, that a high persentage of Bush voters are pro-chocie. Naming a conservative judge will likely be the death knell of Bushco.

Part of me is hoping Bush and Rove haven't figured this out.