Friday, September 10, 2004

Not REALLY Like Muskrat Love ...

As the keeper of Things Estrogen here at the All Spin Zone, I feel duty bound to point you to blondesense's wonderful piece on one of the latest verbal gaffs from Howdy Doody in the White House ... about how those awful med-mal lawyers are in the way of the holy priesthood of obstetrics and gynecology, and their sacred oaths of course ... Ya gotta read it and see the doubleplusgood graphic. In case you missed Howdy's off-leash statement he said, and I quote:

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

So check it out kids... as Firesign Theatre says: "Get on it and do it every day!" The women of Blondesense rock!

(Disclaimer: Attention lawyers! I apologize for defaming the memory of Howdy Doody with my somewhat loose analogy to Dubya)

Image at top left by Georgia O'Keefe, as if you didn't know - Iris. 1929

I'll be "post-feminist" in the "post-patriarchy".