Sunday, August 01, 2004

Terror Alert

Am I the only one who thinks these alerts are continually being used for political gain? Frankly, it makes me feel dirty to think so, but the Bush Administration's record leads us to that conclusion.

So, what's the absenteeism in those buildings tomorrow? Forget the NYSE, those people will show to work. I'm thinking the absenteeism at the IMF and Citigroup and Prudential are how we judge whether the public has gotten so tired of these alerts that they are not paying attention anymore. Of course, Bushco created that fatigue.

A month before the GOP convention and MSG is a supposed target? That's clearly to paint the delegates as heros for even attending to nominate Bush. They deny Kerry is a hero, then manipulate the scenario so they make every single delegate a hero for attending during a high alert period.

Hey, if that doesn't work, what next, since the false alarms aren't working? Does the GOP then plant a bomb to scare the public further?

I know, I know, I've got to put on the tin foil hat and sit in the corner.