Thursday, May 20, 2004

Jimmy Breslin Rips 'Em a New One

Goddess love Jimmy! Here he takes a few "little brains" to task, the Breslin Way.

From the top:

"Always, when you put the subject in a room for ceremony or seminar, the World Trade Center becomes a religious experience. At yesterday's meeting of the Senate 9/11 commission, the theater of the New School University on West 12th Street became a church. Starting at a little before 9 in the morning, the commissioners in front of the room were solemn and deeply respectful as a report on the attack was read to them, along with films of the explosions. The commissioners then bowed their heads as three of our city's wonders of the world took the stage.

First was Baghdad Bernie Kerik. He is called Baghdad because he went over and put the whole Iraqi police force into great shape. That the Iraqi police force is no more is not Kerik's fault. He is here."