Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sunday Morning Funnies

The "are you ready for some football" edition - it's been a long two weeks for Eagles fans:

Yes, Bush Can - I had to do a double take on this one.

Bin Laden is in China - it's a pain in the ass getting Moo Goo Gai Pan takeout in a cave.

Political Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen is arguably one of the best bands of all time, and (in this author's humble opinion) Bohemian Rhapsody ranks right up there with Stairway to Heaven in rock classics. Freddie Mercury is turning over in his grave this morning.

Anti-Bush Thong Protest Charges Dropped - gives new meaning to the term "swing state". Ewwwww.

Is "The Fix" In? - Jeb continues to shill for bubby. He's lookin' at '08, no doubt. You can count on it.

Great graphic! - and a nice summation of my greatest fear of BushCo: The Sequel.