Sunday, October 03, 2004

ASZ's Sunday Social Redemption

Very occasionally, we here at All Spin Zone endeavor to expand your appreciation of the fine arts. Yes, we know that support of the National Endowment for the Arts is one of those pesky areas in the "social contract" that is woefully underfunded by the Bush administration. So, your ace blogging friends at ASZ try to pick up the slack wherever we can.

Today, we present you with a couple works of art created specifically to pique your political and prurient interests - and amazingly enough, in one instance, the two interests intersect.

Our first work in the gallery is a composition by "Joe" of American Leftist, appropriately titled "War President". This work was initially commissioned in early April of 2004, when 601 American men and women had "died for the lie". Art critics on retainer to ASZ were universally stunned by the image, yet the general consensus is that the texture and granularity of the composition would be enhanced by an update reflecting the current toll of 1060. Still, "War President" is a dark, thought provoking montage that should haunt G.W. DeButcher to his grave.

The second offering today is a bit, eh, lighter in both style and overall content. WARNING:: NOT APPROPRIATE FOR WORK COMPUTERS. It's another photo montage, developed by "anonymous", titled "ashcroft.jpg". It's an artistic rejoiner to U.S. Attorney General John "Let the Eagle Soar" Ashcroft, who never seems to never get enough of the topic of S-E-X (like any of us do). This particular piece of cheesecake most certainly deserves a revered place in the gallery at the New York Museum of Sex.

We hope you've enjoyed ASZ's artistic interlude for this Sunday, and don't expect to find anything like this on ASZ ever again.

On a somewhat more serious note, let me point you to a great little blog that is quickly becoming one of my favorites: Spontaneous Arising. Need a little Zen in your politics? Michael H. more than obliges. And for your true "artsy fartsy" dose for the day, scroll down a bit and click on his "Metamorphasis" link.