Thursday, May 27, 2004

Hood a Statue Today (for Jeebus!)

Sublime protest of US government-sanctioned torture of Iraqi prisoners! Rodin sculptures used in protest of treatment of Iraqi prisoners

From the Stanford Daily, By Nancy Wang
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
The Burghers of Calais at the Quad were found donned with hoods Thursday morning. Last Thursday and Friday, hoods similar to those photographed on the Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison were discovered on several Rodin sculptures at the Cantor Arts Center. Administrators at the Arts Center said they do not know who is responsible and will not further investigate the matter because none of the sculptures was damaged.

I also saw political cartoon with the Statue of Liberty hooded.(I'll see if I can find it and add it later) Apparently the Cabal was not amused. But really, it's in keeping with the government's hooding of the truth in general, and even the Lord High Inquisitor Torquemada AshKKKroft draped the statues in the DOJ building. That was tacit permission, wasn't it? Iconoclasm without destruction?

Add: Found it! I love those Eureka moments... From USA Today: Lady Liberty hooded in political ad